This is your season! Activate Your Faith! It's easy to believe God for what you can see but it is when you can't see you are truly operating in FAITH. God plants seeds in your womb that he has chosen for you to birth, yet because it didn't come to fruition as quickly as you felt it should you abandoned it. Or it did not come how someone else's did, you aborted God's plan for that business, that family, that ministry, and so much more!
We are shown so many times in the word of God, nothing ever came without time and work. Many times there were PROMISES that God made over individuals lives that in the natural they would have said it was not going to happen or that it was impossible. Some didn't even wait on God they attempted to reach God's Promise for them by themselves which created chaos. It was not until they allowed their FAITH to be ACTIVATED and trusted what God had promised for them did those PROMISES show up! Don't detour from what God has placed in you because it does not show up the way you think it should, instead walk in FAITH and allow the process to bring you to fulfillment!